Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fiona Cardigan

Hello!  Our roof is being replaced as I type.  As a mother of 6, there isn't much that I cannot tune-out.  However... I think the constant banging for days on end is affecting my nerves.  I don't mean to be ungrateful. I just keep catching myself daydreaming about being on a deserted island.
Here's another recently finished object.  It isn't cold enough yet for a wool cardigan, but when it is, I will be ready!
Fiona Cardigan knitted with Jamieson's Soft Shetland

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I frequently tell my children that they will have a great sense of accomplishment when they work hard on something and finish it.  It's really just something I say to try to get them to do their homework.  Well, I am very proud of finishing many projects that have been sitting around, causing me guilt:
Here are the mittens that I started in July.  The yarn is Nashua Julia which is half-off at WEBS right now.  Temptation!  I over-dyed mine.  I'm a little fixated on Pumpkin this year.
Here are the Hermione Mittens that I started in the spring.  My friend said, "I thought you finished them a long time ago."  Sort of anti-climactic.
New Mittens.  Because I can only finish so many projects before the urge to cast on overwhelms me!  These will be felted when the mate is done.  As you can see, I am in a mitten phase.
I have more pictures, but I'll save them for tomorrow.  Peace to you!